Cameron at 16 Months

On: Saturday, December 13, 2008

Baby Cameron has been coming to see me since she was 3 months old...we just did her last photo session of her baby package, and she is already 16 months old! Incredible how fast time goes by. We had an absolutely wonderful time. She has soooo much personality. What a joy to be around. Thank you for sharing her with me, Rhonda!

Here are a couple of my favorite images from the session. Want to see more? the slideshow!

1 comments on "Cameron at 16 Months"

Anonymous said...

Wow what a great job you do with children photography! Now that is a test of a true photographer! LOL

I love the way you use your depth of field in separating the child from the background. Very nice. You are a great photographer of children.

Stephen King